If you allow God to be head of your home, he will bless your family life!
Perhaps the most taxing of all, are the years a family finds itself in and out of crisis situations. Little babies that cooed and gurgled grow up into challenging, independent-thinking adolescents. The protective, sheltered environment of the home is broken into by the school, new friends, alien philosophies, financial strain, illness, accidents, hard questions, constant decisions, and busy schedules...and it isn't difficult to feel the pressure mounting-especially when you add dating, new drivers in the family, leaving for college, talk of marriage, and moving out. Whew!! And what does God say about these years?...
He says we'll be "blessed." We'll be "happy: It will "be well" with us during these years...In the family portrayed on this scriptural canvas, "the Lord" is still central!
Even before you finish,...it may be the right time for you to come to terms with the truth regarding your family. I must be honest with you, in most of the family conflicts I have dealt with involving trouble with teenagers, the problem has been more with parents who were either to liberal and permissive or too inflexible, distant, rigid(and sometimes too hypocritical) than with teenagers who were un-willing to cooperate. When the modeling is as it should be, there is seldom much trouble from those who fall under the shadow of the leader.. Strengthening your grip on the family may start with an unguarded appraisal of the leadership your family is expected to follow.
From: Strengthening Your Grip
By: Charles Swindoll
APPLICATION: Do you look forward to going home or do you dread it? Is God the head of your home? Pray for your family daily. Memorize a favorite psalm as a family. After dinner, read a chapter from the Bible every day for a month.
Marriage and Family-Genenis 2:18-25; Exodus 20:12; Mathew 19:5-6;
Mark 7:9-13; Ephesians 5:22-33
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