Home Heating/Energy Services for low- income individuals include local weatherization and Energy assistance programs that are administered by the Pierce County Community Services Department/Community Action Programs, and by the Metropolitan Development Councel(MDC). Eligibility is determined by the total household income and the number of household members. County residents must apply at the Pierce County Department of Communtiy Services, Community Action Program, or one of its stelite office, and persons who live within the city limits(except Ruston) must apply at MDC. Both of these agencies have limited funding. Call for further information.
County residents can obtain the numbers of satelite centers by calling the main office toll free. The county program also offers persons who are homebound, for medical reasons, a mail in application. The agencies addresses and phone numbers are listed below:
Pierce County Communtiy Services
County residents can obtain the numbers of satelite centers by calling the main office toll free. The county program also offers persons who are homebound, for medical reasons, a mail in application. The agencies addresses and phone numbers are listed below:
Pierce County Communtiy Services
(253)-798-7240 or 1(800)562-0336
Information/Status Line: (253)798-3800
Appointment Line: 1(866)223-1068 (253)572-5557
(this line takes calls 24 hours a day/
7 days a week when funds are available)
Metropolitan Development Council
721 South Fawcett
Tacoma, WA 98402
Both of the agencies listed above have additonal limited funds for Puget Sound Energy and Tacoma Power customers.
If you live inside the city limits of Tacoma contact Metropolitan Development council.
If you live outside the city limits of Tacoma contact Pierce County Community Services.
If you are not sure if you live inside or outside the city limits contact your utility coompany to find out.
Tacoma Power offers a reduced rate program for Senior citizens and/or disabled individuals that are income eligible. For more informatin contact: South Sound Outreach Services. (253)593-2111..
Water and Public Works Assistance
- Only available once in a 12 month period.
- Must have a disconnect notice(you do not need to wait until your service has been disconnected).
- Assistance is available for water, solid waste, wastewater, and surface water.
- You must be a Tacoma Public Utilities customer and have the account in your name.
- Household income must meet income guidelines.
Required Documentation-Please provide photocopies of the following:
- Picture ID for all adults in the household.
- Social Security cards for everyone in the household. (If children under 18 do not have Social Security cards, you may use DSHS medical coupon(s) or Birth Certificate(s).
- Income verification for all household members for the three months prior to the month of your applications. (For example: if you are applying in April, we need your household income for January, February, and March).
- Household adults with zero income must provide a Q1 or Q2 form from WorkSource on 13th and Tacoma Avenue.
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